Community Grants

Photo - Clark Tibbs, Unsplash

November 2024 Funding Round


Funds Approved




Average Value

Grant criteria

The Trustees in exercising their absolute discretion under the Trust Deed will consider ENERGY-RELATED grants with the following criteria:
  • The project is in the former CentralPower catchment Manawatu/Tararua area (see map)
  • The project will be of benefit to the community; or
  • The project will assist business growth and economic development within the community; or
  • The project will promote energy conservation;

Information required from Applicants

In order that the Trustees can give full consideration to applications it will be necessary for the following information to be supplied:
  • A detailed background of the organisation and its aims and objectives;
  • An audited statement of the financial position of the applicant as at the most recent year end;
  • A detailed description of the project to be undertaken including all costs, and how other funding will be provided;
  • Two or more quotes for work to be undertaken and details of which quote is being accepted and why;
  • How the funds sought are being spent to benefit consumers within the Trust's area;
  • If a loan is sought, what terms of repayment are acceptable?
  • A completed current application form (If more room is required, please continue on separate sheets);
  • Copy of documentation confirming Charitable registration.

Request under $5,000?

Do you have a funding request under $5,000? Please use the form below. 
Grant Application under $5000


Got a question? We’re here to help.
  • How Many funding rounds do you have per year?

    We have two funding rounds, one closing 1 May and the other 1 November.

  • If we have applied for funding when can we expect an outcome?

    Generally you will have a response within one month of applications closing.

  • Can we apply for funding for our annual electricity costs?

    Unfortunately not, this does not meet with the Trusts guidelines.

  • What is the current success rate of applications?

    For the 2020 financial year we had a success rate of 77% with the average value of grants being $28,698.

  • What are the main energy related items you currently fund?

    Currently the most awarded projects are for purchase and installation of heat pumps, energy relate appliances and energy related event funding for example sound and lighting costs.

Grant Funding rounds close 1 May & 1 November

Next application round closing in:


Current Application Round Closed

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